Thursday, May 07, 2009

Easter Sunday

Jayden looking very handsome in his Easter clothes.
What is a family dinner without olives on the fingers??? Must be a dinner without either Taylor or olives. That's my Granddaughter!!!
Dustin, Candi, Taylor and Jayden with the sun in their eyes.
Taylor and Jayden after their Easter Egg Hunt. They love each other so much!!!!
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Scuba Wife Life said...

You would think I would be used to it by now since everytime I see them or pics of them I say the same thing, but I can't believe how grown up they are!! They are so stinkin' cute!! :) I miss them! I am glad that you guys got to spend time together! :)

HattonHome said...

I wish I was there to celebrate Easter with you ~ but thank you for sharing!!

Shannon Haring said...

I wonder who taught me the olive finger thing??? Maybe it was my aunt Kathy...I see it runs in the family :)