Sunday, May 17, 2009

Afternoon with Jayden

Jayden and I at the park.
Jayden posing with silly faces at the park.
Jayden rolling in the grass...laughing at everything ... including his Grandma. A fun day at the park.
Jayden taking pictures of Grandma on the phone. What a good photographer. Even taking pictures laying on the grass.

I spent the day in Bakersfield on Tuesday. Drove up to spend the day with the grandkids, and surprise them! What a fun day for Grandma. I was greeted at the door by Jayden who was screaming "It's Grandma" and running around the entry all excited. Thank you Dustin for reminding him to open the door, in all of Jayden's excitment that is one thing he forgot. We went to Wendy's for lunch on Jayden's reguest.. he loves his Chicken Nuggets and chocolate frosties. Then we went to the park to play. We had many races around the park and one we even tied... but the rest Jayden won! What a fun way to spend the afternoon. I had a blast.
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1 comment:

HattonHome said...

Awe, Looks like you and Jayden had a fun day!! I am very glad and thanks for sharing the pictures!