Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An Evening with Taylor

Taylor all dressed and ready for The Hannah Montana Movie.

Look at the beautiful eyes!

Taylor and I ... oops ... I didn't do a very good job taking this one ... but Taylor is just so darn cute I had to post it!

Me ... taken by Taylor.

After a fun afternoon with Jayden I surprised Taylor after school with an girls evening out. We started with dinner at Casa Mexico, one of my favorite places to eat in Bakersfield :) yum. Taylor, Candi and I all enjoyed having the Taco Tuesday specials. Then we went over to Edwards at the Market Place and Rhonda was able to join us for the rest of our girls evening out. We bought our tickets and had time to kill, so what do girls do with time to kill.... shopping. After a little shopping we went and saw The Hannah Montana Movie. I expected to enjoy it by watching Taylor's excitment, but was very pleasantly surprised... it was a good movie. On the way home we stopped and picked up the soundtrack for "Taylor" and we; as Taylor says, blasted it on the drive home with all the windows down. That was fun watching Taylor giggle between songs and sing her little heart out with the music. This was a very good day for Grandma... a great way to spend a day!!

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Move Again.

For those of you that don't already know; we have moved again. We left Alabama about a month ago and headed back to California. We haven't exactly settled in yet and are currently staying in our RV at a park in La Verne. At this time we decided that with everything happening in the family it was best for us to move back home and live close to family. We are glad we made that decision and we are enjoying every moment with Dad and Mom (Smith). It really does feel like we have come home and I am very happy to be a Californian!!

Afternoon with Jayden

Jayden and I at the park.
Jayden posing with silly faces at the park.
Jayden rolling in the grass...laughing at everything ... including his Grandma. A fun day at the park.
Jayden taking pictures of Grandma on the phone. What a good photographer. Even taking pictures laying on the grass.

I spent the day in Bakersfield on Tuesday. Drove up to spend the day with the grandkids, and surprise them! What a fun day for Grandma. I was greeted at the door by Jayden who was screaming "It's Grandma" and running around the entry all excited. Thank you Dustin for reminding him to open the door, in all of Jayden's excitment that is one thing he forgot. We went to Wendy's for lunch on Jayden's reguest.. he loves his Chicken Nuggets and chocolate frosties. Then we went to the park to play. We had many races around the park and one we even tied... but the rest Jayden won! What a fun way to spend the afternoon. I had a blast.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Renaissance Fair 2009

I went with a couple of friends to this years Renaissance Fair in Irwindale, California. What a sight to see. Sharon invited me with a free ticket and a chance to see something new. So I went and what an event. I have never been and did not know what we were getting into to. But I would have to say that I enjoyed myself and am very happy that I went. I may never go again but I happy I went anyway. But the food was excellent, and those who know me know I am all about junk food. :) Fresh fried potato chips, sausage, and caramel apples... my kind of lunch.
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Logan turns 1

Crystal, Dad, Logan and Candi.
Logan fits inside his birthday gift bag. What a gift he is for Mommy and Daddy.
Logan on the move again.

Logan opening a birthday gift from Grandpa and Grandma.
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Logan visits Great Grandpa & Grandma Smith

Logan with his Great Grandpa Smith
Logan with his Great Grandma Smith
Mom, Dad, Logan, Crystal & Tyler.
Logan driving Grandpa's Truck!
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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Easter Sunday

Jayden looking very handsome in his Easter clothes.
What is a family dinner without olives on the fingers??? Must be a dinner without either Taylor or olives. That's my Granddaughter!!!
Dustin, Candi, Taylor and Jayden with the sun in their eyes.
Taylor and Jayden after their Easter Egg Hunt. They love each other so much!!!!
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