Saturday, July 09, 2005

Crater Lake, Oregon Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not sure... I like this one too! You can see more of the surrounding scenery! I guess I am as indecisive as always, because I like all three of the pictures from Crater Lake, Oregon!! Sorry, I guess I'll have to let everyone else pick the favorite!!

Anonymous said...



God is the best artist.

Thank you for chare with us.
Your friend
Ps: sorry if my english is not that good.

Jimmy Smith said...

I'd say this one is my favorite, looks amazing- I mean, wow, has snow, lake, and trees, in one area. I like it. Looks like a wonderful place to be.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott & Kathy,
This is the one that I like the best. Every thing looks beautiful. Dad's favorite is diffeent so now you will have two choose between us HA.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow, this looks like it's not even real. I like this one the best.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Jim and Aunt Audrey say this one is their favorite, too. It shows it to be a crater and the view is incredible!!! But, all the views are great.