Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Old Friends with new little ones.

Carleigh Munchalfen, about six weeks old now. Daughter of Katy Munchalfen, who I babysat as a baby and has been a part of our lives for a very long time.
Myself with Zachery Lee, and Brayden Lee. Kids from Erin Lee (maiden name Munchalfen). Erin is the older sister of Katy and has also been a part of our lives for many years. She has lived with us at times and has become a part of our family. Here are her kids at IHOP in Bakersfield. Wow... they are getting big so fast.
Erin with her family.... Hard to believe she is old enough but she is and she is doing a great job as Mommy.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, I would like copies. I am the proud mother of Erin and Katy and the gama of Zachery, Brayden, and the new additon Carleigh. I am also a long time fried of Kathys. Thanks for the oppertunity to get to Bakersfield to see you.
Love Always,