Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tidepools with Grandkids

Here is one of our favorite places on the Oregon coast. The tidepools at Yaquina Head Lighthouse. They are an amazing sight and one everyone should go explore when you can. The first two pictures are of Taylor and I exploring the tidepools on a rainy Oregon day. Typical of Oregon but that rain didn't slow us down, we really enjoyed seeing all the sealife in the tidepools and Taylor was very good at finding the little sea life. I think she could sit there and watch the tidepools for hours and hours. I had a blast seeing her so excited over the same things that I enjoy so much. Another day we had Jayden in the same place and it was a different reaction with Jayden. He really enjoyed the rocks and climbing them with Granddad. He did see some of the sea life and seemed to enjoy that but once he saw them he was good to go and climb. So that is what they did. He loved being on top of the rocks and watching the waves crash against the cliffs. He and Granddad enjoyed being boys together and Grandma enjoyed watching the two of them.

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