It is Tulip Festival Time again in Woodburn Oregon. Bryant & I went and this year we took Jimmy & Natalie with us. Here are a couple of pictures of our day. The day was wonderful we caught one of the few days that it wasn't raining and the tulips were absoleulty beautiful!! I didn't get a picture with my husband in it this year....still camera shy after all these years but I am getting a few now and then. I am hoping that next year our landscaping is finished and I can plant some tulips for home. If I do I will have to post a few pictures of them next year along with the festival pictures. Hope you all enjoy the tulips....I will always think of my Grandpa when I see the tulips. That is a big part of what makes them so special. :)
THanks so much for letting us come with you. We had a ton of fun! :)
Tulips are so beautiful we always enjoyed them ever since we started going to Oregon visiting my relatives in Medford Oregon many years algo.
Love Mom & Dad Smith
Keep up Grandpa's Dutch tradition! Tulip's are absolutely beautiful and there are so many varieties of them! Love you, Mom
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