Thursday, January 11, 2007

Candi's College Graduation

This was a few months ago but better late than never! Candi has graduated from college and is now working in a law office in Bakersfield. She is a paralegal and is loving her new career. I flew down for a few days for her graduation and loved visiting. The trip was too short but I enjoyed the time I had there. I am actually going back down soon for a wedding at the end of this month. Once again it will be a quick trip, I will be in Bakersfield for one day and California City for one day and then flying back home. Posted by Picasa


Scuba Wife Life said...

Hooray for Candi!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Best Wishes on your great achievement! We love you and are proud of you! You are a beautiful Graduate! Love, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Be proud Candi, you deserve it. I was thrilled to be there sharing in your glory!! It was nice having my picture taken with two beautiful ladies.
God Bless!!
Love, Grandma Baker