Sunday, December 25, 2005

Chaffee Zoo, Fresno, California

On Thursday, December 22, 2005, we took Taylor and Jayden to the Chaffee Zoo in Fresno, California. The first animal we visited was the elephants and as soon as Jayden saw them he started mooing, thinking they were cows. He was fun to watch discover the different animals. Taylor made sure to tell Jayden what the animals were as we visited all the different animals in the zoo. Taylor decided she was a flamingo and tried to stand like them. We had a fun and exciting day with the grandkids. Boy were we tired when we got back home. There is a reason God gave us kids at a young age! Grandkids are great, we can take them out for a day of fun, feed them sweets and then take them home.

Granddad and Jayden playing ball

Here is Granddad and Jayden playing ball. Jayden was just laughing and having a great time with Granddad. This was a Candi and Dustin's the week before Christmas. He sure is getting big!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

On December 17, 2005 we went to Mom and Dad Smith's for a Christmas celebration. We had a great time with a terrific turkey dinner. We were blessed with Grandpa and Grandma Burnham with us for the day. We made candy canes all together and they sure are good. We have five generations here and all smiling and having a great day together. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and is blessed with family together for the holidays.

Traveling with Taylor

I flew from Las Vegas to Bakersfield to attend all of Taylor's performances of Peter Pan, in which she was a wolf. Then after watching the star of the play we drove back to Las Vegas and Granddad "Bry" picked us up from the car rental company. Then we went to the aquarium at Mandalay Bay and Taylor enjoyed seeing all of the sharks. Maybe when she gets old enough she will be adventurous like her Granddad and go scuba diving with the sharks. Then we went to Excalibur, or as Taylor says "The Castle" and she and her Granddad won her about twenty stuffed animals in the arcade. We enjoyed the dinner show and Taylor thought it was fun to eat without silverware. She really enjoyed the horses in the show. After a fun afternoon and evening in Las Vegas we drove back to the rv in Laughlin and spent the night there. The next day we went to Calico Ghost Town in Barstow, California and stayed at the rv park there. Taylor enjoyed petting all of the horses there and is looking forward to riding them when she is 7 years old. She and I had a lot of fun exploring the caves in the area and seeing the sights of the old ghost town. We had a great deal of fun traveling with Taylor and we think she had fun also.