Friday, August 12, 2005


We have enjoyed traveling through California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and are currently in Nebraska. We are planning on spending about a week here and visiting Bry's Uncle and Aunt in Wahoo. We have learned that there are many dessert areas in the north and a lot of brown during the summer. We are looking forward to being somewhere with trees again and seeing green. Here in Nebraska we have seen many fields of hay and corn. We have enjoyed watching for deer and have seen many of them along the roadside. We are looking forward to reading your comments and seeing those who check our page.
Utah, we were expecting mountains and trees and green lands. We saw more brown and dry and dessert. Here is part of Antelope Island in The Great Salt Lake, which we didn't know existed. Along with the Great Salt Lake which is up to 8 times saltier than the ocean depending on location. There are areas of the lake that have four feet of salt on the bottom of the lake. It is so saltly that the only thing that lives in the lake in brine shrimp. Rivers and streams run into the lake but the lake has no outlets. The lake continues to get saltier each year. Posted by Picasa
Leann Rimes in concert. We took a side trip down to Jackpot, Nevada from Idaho to see a Leann Rimes concert. We enjoyed the concert and Bry also truely enjoyed the casino. It is great to have no time restraints. We saw a brochure for the concert so called and bought tickets. Side trip not planned but truely enjoyed. Posted by Picasa
This is Shoshane Falls in Twin Falls, Idaho. We enjoyed yet another waterfall. This amazing rainbow was there the entire afternoon that we visited the falls. The waterfall is 212 feet, which is taller than Niagara Falls. The falls are in Snake River which also has a spectacular canyon. Posted by Picasa